I’m back.

13 09 2010

Yeah, I know-I haven’t written in almost two weeks.
But, I’ve been busy.

Just the usual stuff, you know, like: work, getting married, honeymooning, moving…
Nothing too crazy.

It’s been the best two weeks of my life. Incredibly crazy leading up to the wedding and incredibly relaxing the week after.

I thought about writing while I was in the middle of everything. But I felt like just enjoying the moment. I’m glad I did. I’ll fill you in on the details of things over the next few weeks amidst my usual day-to-day ramblings.

I have to admit my temple attendance is less than stellar- and by less than stellar it’s been almost non-existent. Lame. I have no excuses. But I had the opportunity to go through the temple with Leah when she went for the first time.

I don’t have a lot of experiences to compare it with – but it was by far the most special experience I’ve had in the temple. I was overwhelmed when I saw her there dressed in white. I choked up as the big picture formed in my head.

Leah is my best friend.
The temple is all about returning to Heavenly Father.
Getting married means I can be with my best friend forever.

Yeah, the big picture looks amazing.

“That bodies who are of the celestial kingdom may possess it forever and ever…” (D&C 88:20)

What a great feeling…

? Which temple did you go through for the first time?



One response

14 09 2010

Houston all the way! We go to the Lubbock temple now and wow it is SO SMALL! It is actually really nice because of that. It just feels wonderful and hey, you can’t get lost! We’ve never been good about regular attendance and when you add the last few years to the mix there was no attendance at all. But we’ve worked out systems to trade baby sitting and are actually going about once a month. It is awesome!

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